This is me….

Ok, this is supposed to be the part where I introduce myself to you and tell you all the important things that you need to know about me… I don’t really know what to say though! 🙂 My name is Jana (some also call me Jane 😉 ) and I’ve been a food lover all…

Cameron Highlands (Malaysia): tea, tea, tea everywhere!!!

Cameron Highlands As mentioned before, Lori had one thing (besides climbing Mount Kinabalu) on her list for Malaysia and that was going to the Cameron Highlands. I’ve been there before, but as I really liked it, I didn’t mind spending another 3 days there with her and seeing the tea fields again. We definitely were…

Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia): Lori & Jana on the loose part 1

We only met for two weeks in February while working together at Elephant Hills (link), but we got along so well back then, that we decided to meet up again during our further travelling. Lori and I never discussed exactly, where and when to meet until the moment sometime at beginning of May, when Lori…